Saturday, November 27, 2010


I've been so busy with life, Beauty Stat, my new beauty blog and so much else that I've neglected my life blog! Yikes!

Well, instead of attempting to catch the few readers I have up on the past 9 months or so, I'll tell you this: I am genuinely happy! I am at a stage in my life where I'm meeting amazing people, enjoying being single, and taking advantage of all of my "connections!" Wait...that made it sound like I'm on drugs! NEVER! Haha! I mean for concerts, activities, etc. :) Just so we're clear.

My dad's having his bone marrow transplant Dec 21. guessed Christmas plans. I'm so bummed, but I hope this is the final step into his recovery from leukemia. Pray for him, please!

I met someone this week that's really changed my life already. I don't want to jinx it or give out too many details, but he's different. The way he talks to me, looks at me, kisses me on the's crazy! He told me a story that made my heart melt! Oh and did I mention he's GORGEOUS?! I'm really glad we hit it off the way we did and am so happy to have him in my life! He makes me smile.

Last night, I went out with Angela and when we got back to my car, the poor thing wouldn't start! Yes, the same car I run the wheels off of for work! I put SO many miles on it and have only had tire trouble *knock on wood* and we're thinking this is a weak battery from the instant change in temperature. (It was high of 86 one day, high of 55 the next!) My dad and brother are on their way to pick me up to see what we can do about it. They're pretty incredible. :) I'm so thankful that they are still by my side through everything-the hurricane, sickness, deaths, just feels good. we go! Trying to stay positive!

Love you all,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Update 3/11/10

So...I realized there's a lot that's been going on that I haven't blogged about. Now that I'm getting readers, I feel obligated to update more often!

Both of my parents have cancer now. My mom was diagnosed years ago and we found out about my dad's about a month and a half ago. There's no telling how long he's had it since he never goes to the doctor. He's on a lifetime pill and going in to M.D. Anderson for tests and what not. Thank God we live in a city that is blessed to have such phenomenal healthcare! I wish we didn't need it, though. There's a lot going on in the family right now, so prayers are much appreciated.

About a month ago I got a puppy. He's a Bichon Frise hybrid...almost a Doxie Chon, but only 1/6 Dachshund, so...yeah. He's precious! I'll upload a pic once I figure out how to! He's started barking when I leave for the day (I already trained him out of it once!) so I guess it's back to the drawing board on that. Luckily, my neighbors haven't mentioned anything. (I live in an apartment.)

I've started a product introduction and review blog! I'll feature mostly Lush stuff, but I've added some things like Clean And Clear acne treatments and...da dada daaaaaa! MY OWN WRAPADOO! :) That's right! I found out on Monday that I won a WrapADoo from SpaWeek! I'm SO excited! It should come in tomorrow or Saturday. Needless to say, even if my hair is clean, I WILL use it the day it comes in! I've been wanting one for months, but I'm saving for a new car, so $70 isn't exactly easy to come by.

Also, another big-ticket item I've saved for-the Apple iPad presale begins TOMORROW! :) How stoked am I?! VERY!

Alright. I haven't even taken my bath yet. I better run.

Goodnight, all.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lonely In A Crowded Room

I've been very bothered lately by my lack of friends. I am beginning to detest social networking sites because it seems like people would much rather drop you a "happy birthday" note rather than get off their lazy bums and spend the day with you. It's getting old.

Living in the suburbs, I don't meet anymore. All of the people who live anywhere close to me are married with children. And here I am...a spring chicken of sorts, with a crappy car, Shaba and Bandit, and a Clif Bar for breakfast. I feel socially awkward. Like the girl on the swingset during recess. The one who smells a bit like okra, oatmeal, and Trident. The one who wears those colorful leather sandals and talks to the clouds. That's me. Nice to meet you.

It's not that I'm not social-I think I'm fairly easy to get along with. I just don't know where to begin! Lately, I've been so busy with my youngest sister and that helps a lot, but there's still something missing. I'd love to have someone I could catch a late movie with or go on a weekend trip with. Will that person please stand up?!

Anyway...just wanted to share that.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back In Action! has been quite some time since I've updated. Maybe that's because, within a matter or weeks, my world turned to complete chaos! I get the feeling that it's not over yet, but figured I'd start blogging again to vent.

I don't have friends. Okay, maybe 2. One works all the time and is too busy for me. The other lives nearly two hours away if you take I-45 traffic into consideration. (Which you should!) social interaction is limited to a 9 month old, a 4 year old, their parents for 5 minutes in the morning and evenings, and possible a neighbor or grocery store deli man. Very lame. I'm aware. It's not that I'm not a friendly person-I think I am-it's just that my new neighborhood (Oh yeah, I MOVED!) is mostly made of middle age families and older retired people. It's clean, really nice and quiet and I absolutely LOVE it! Well...minus being lonely all the time.

Things got nasty between James and I. We hardly talk-maybe once a week for 2 minutes if I have a question about my car or something. I'm only 22. I don't need to be held down by someone who doesn't treat me with respect. So...I still go on dates, but this time with my sisters! :)

I'm still nanny-ing. I'm not gonna lie-it's rough right now. Sometimes I just want to scream. Teething+frustration from not quite being able to walk+tummy troubles=me going psycho...almost. Micah's already 9 MONTHS! Wow. Izzy's 4 now and starting to test the waters a bit more. She'll try talking back, questioning me, or ignoring me. I'm pretty good at telling her to "check her attitude and try again," which works 4/5 times.

I've been spending my Saturday mornings on YouTube lately. Yep, YouTube. But seriously-I've met some incredible people! I won a blog drawing from Nat Neagle and got "Huge Lips, Skinny Hips" (a lip gloss with Hoodia) last week! Only thing is, when I tried to open it, the top completely broke off! I emailed Purple Labs and hopefully they'll work something out with me. I didn't want to tell Nat...I know she had nothing to do with it since it came direct from NY, but I know I'd still feel bad if it were my contest.

I don't actually make videos myself, but a few people have asked my input on theirs. One girl I watch has audio problems and sits WAY too close to the camera. Another starts talking about makeup and gets off topic and stumbles over her words. I guess my work with film, public speaking and speech writing comes in handy after all! Maybe I'll make some videos one day...You just make yourself complete vulnerable when you put your video online for billions of people to see!

Another thing-PEOPLE ARE RUDE! R-U-D-E RUDE! I was friends with this guy...we'll call him "Benny." Benny and I went to college together. We texted and kept in touch for a few months last year-then all of a sudden Benny disappeared! Ignored my calls/texts/comments/wall posts...everything! I found out Benny would be in town for his job and tried to get in touch-but nothing. So...I decided the phrase "Don't let someone become your priority while you remain their option" applies to friendship to. So...buhbye, loser!

Someone come over and block Ebay on my computer! Seriously. Helllllllo, new addiction!

I'm still totally into Lush, too. I should be a brand ambassador. I still have over 10lbs of soap from their huge holiday sale! I'm starting to fizzle out on bath bombs, though. Very sad day. I wish they'd bring back Haagenbath! :( I don't want to have to buy the $40 kit just for that one bomb!

Okay. Imma go now.

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