Saturday, November 27, 2010


I've been so busy with life, Beauty Stat, my new beauty blog and so much else that I've neglected my life blog! Yikes!

Well, instead of attempting to catch the few readers I have up on the past 9 months or so, I'll tell you this: I am genuinely happy! I am at a stage in my life where I'm meeting amazing people, enjoying being single, and taking advantage of all of my "connections!" Wait...that made it sound like I'm on drugs! NEVER! Haha! I mean for concerts, activities, etc. :) Just so we're clear.

My dad's having his bone marrow transplant Dec 21. guessed Christmas plans. I'm so bummed, but I hope this is the final step into his recovery from leukemia. Pray for him, please!

I met someone this week that's really changed my life already. I don't want to jinx it or give out too many details, but he's different. The way he talks to me, looks at me, kisses me on the's crazy! He told me a story that made my heart melt! Oh and did I mention he's GORGEOUS?! I'm really glad we hit it off the way we did and am so happy to have him in my life! He makes me smile.

Last night, I went out with Angela and when we got back to my car, the poor thing wouldn't start! Yes, the same car I run the wheels off of for work! I put SO many miles on it and have only had tire trouble *knock on wood* and we're thinking this is a weak battery from the instant change in temperature. (It was high of 86 one day, high of 55 the next!) My dad and brother are on their way to pick me up to see what we can do about it. They're pretty incredible. :) I'm so thankful that they are still by my side through everything-the hurricane, sickness, deaths, just feels good. we go! Trying to stay positive!

Love you all,
nothing ever turns out right. only left.. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino