Sunday, January 25, 2009

How many times...

...Do you let someone hurt you before you let them go? I realized today that there are so many people in my life who seem to hurt me over and over and over again. But, I'm the fool who lets them. When do you draw the line? When do you change your number and move away and start all over alone? I thought I had done all of that a few times now, but I was an idiot and listened to people who only come around when they want something, so now things are back to their usual suck-ish ways. My lease is up in a month or so and I want to move, only I can't find cheap rent anywhere but here. I want to move out of state to somewhere with mild weather. Somewhere big enough that no one's in your business, but small enough that someone will stop and help if you get a flat. Somewhere no one knows me. Somewhere far, far away.

If I let someone have my trust, it's saying something. I'm very hesitant to trust anyone, really. But, when I do let go, I give my all. I guess this is why some people take and take and take and never realize what a selfish and hurtful person they've become-at least around me. Then, if I dare speak up, I'm made out to be the bad guy. Typical. I just don't know when to stop letting everything be 'okay.'

Oh and the one thing I CANNOT stand-cussing. You cuss me out, you might as well forget I ever existed. I can't take that crap.

I'm not looking for advice, because no one knows what's going on-again, because I don't have anyone I can trust. So, read and think 'Is it me?' Yes, probably.

I have no constant.


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