Friday, February 27, 2009

long time, no time.

i haven't written in quite some time. perhaps this is because i realize that no one reads this. or maybe because i've started rehearsals on Sordid Lives and stay busy. Or, maybe because i've become addicted to online video sites. yeah, that's probably it.

nothing really new is going on. just a lot of stress, money issues, and a cat that thinks he's a human infant. seriously. he sits on his butt and insists on fresh tap water daily 24/7/365. but it's ok. he doesn't bug me to watch cartoons or try to put forks in the outlets. so we're cool for now.

i have a feeling this blog will be about shaba. the cat's got me wrapped. i just got back from turning on the bathtub water. really. really really.

i'm watching little shop of horrors. :)

ok so. shaba. he has a camo bandana collar, his 5th colar withing 11 months. it's beginning to get frayed from his rubbing against the textured apartment walls. i think i'm going to wait a few more weeks until our anniversary to get him a new one-something expensive. something that can withstand his need to scratch.

not that you care. that's more for MY memories.

i downloaded firefox finally. i forgot how wonderful it is! just splendid. and i typed About:config into my address bar and configured the settings to true 30 false true and sped it up quite a bit! i'm just SO proud of myself!

i'm distracted. more tomorrow. maybe


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