Friday, April 3, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!!!

so i'm sitting in the dressing room for sordid lives. 2nd weekend. haven't blogged in FOREVER! i'm starvin marvin and ready to get out of this joint. but it's all good. this show has brought me some cool new friends and given me an outlet for my current life frustration.

there goes the cue for act 3. intermission passes too fast.

anyway...i got the part i wanted in charlie brown. well, i guess i would have been happy with either sally or lucy...BUT sally gets to wear PINK!!! so i'm happy with that! :) sun and mon were auditions. tues i went to les mis with some theater peeps, rehearsals began wednesday.

my life never stops!

there's so much i could write. but just in case i ever become famous, i'd like to have some type of privacy. i guess.

not that anyone reads this thing anyway.

love love love
nothing ever turns out right. only left.. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino