Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The "my so-called life" Project

Here goes nothing. I really want to see if I can blog once a day for an entire year. It's a huge undertaking, but I really want something to look back and reflect on 5-10-even 50 years down the road. I've never had a New Year's kiss. I'm not sure I'm necessarily jealous of those who have, either. Sure, the gesture is sweet, but a silly tradition shouldn't define your relationship. E and I went to a bar last night. It started off super slow but we knew a few people there and eventually danced and I sang karaoke-Respect and Before He Cheats. I invited this random guy and he showed up. A is handsome, funny and very mature. He bought E and I a few drinks and we talked a lot. We "get" each other. Then there was the toast. No moves were made. Okay, probably too early on anyway. No biggie. After we left the bar, we went to eat. He paid, like a gentleman. A hug goodnight and then we parted ways. I got a text from him saying he had fun and was glad he came and spent his night with "such a nice and beautiful girl." Awww. So sweet. This morning, he asks me about my plans for the day and tells me that he actually has a date tonight. WHAT?! He admitted that he has a very difficult time meeting women and said he's talking to a few because they are lonely around the holidays and this is his prime opportunity. Weird. So weird. I told him how I'd rather devote my undivided attention to one person that way you don't get them mixed up. He said there was no use because he goes on 1-2 dates and then they loose interest or something. It's really sad. I like this guy. A lot. I'm SO interested and I let him know that. I want a fair chance, but this guy is so jaded that I may not get it. I've been meeting a lot of men lately, all attractive, but the liars, cheaters and fakes ruin their ideals on dating so I'm still single. Almost 3 years now. I hope I hear from A but it seems as if he's ignoring me. It shouldn't hurt this bad. Well, time to blow dry my hair. Hopefully I'll venture out later. Bring it, 2013! J


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