Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm so 'sorey'

Okay. So. This weekend, while in Austin for Legally Blonde, I went on an 8-hr 'dress hunt' and started feeling like the air was piercing my lungs about half-way through the day. This feeling only got worse and I developed a little rattly cough. After the show (which was SO cute, btw) I got some cold meds and Cepacol (spelling?) throat drops, but nothing helped. I slept from midnight to 11AM-VERY strange for me. I'm ALWAYS up by 8 no matter what. I felt dizzy, had a muffled voice and couldn't swallow. I sat in a hot bath and let the steam hit my chest and back-hoping that would loosen things up. Then I brushed my teeth, which surprisingly helped quite a bit. On the ride home, I slept 2 1/2 hours. (We stopped for James to potty and get lunch.) When we got home, I slept more. I went to bed around midnight and woke up at 6:30. I called into work. One of the directors says I should look into getting my tonsils removed-I say "ZOINKS!" Noooo way! I'm so pain-intolerant! AND, being in America, I don't have insurance and couldn't afford the procedure even if I wanted to.

So here I am. Quarter past noon. Dying from having the feeling of having swallowed a porcupine. It's hades. I have hardly any voice, no appetite, and I feel extremely weak. I have to pay my eclectic bill today, but I ALSO need to go to the Walgreens clinic. I can only afford one. AND I need new back breaks. And gas. And groceries.

Why do these things happen at the worst times?

Any home remedies? Quick-fixes? Gah...this has GOT to end!


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