Saturday, January 24, 2009

Surprises, Waffles, Messy Apt., Blockbuster, Crabs

Surprises- I got a wonderful surprise visit from an old student of mine yesterday! It TOTALLY made my day! That little girl is sweet as can be, silly as can be, and already loosing TEETH! Time flies... I wish I could have spent alllll day with her! She saved me so many times. Her spirit is so loving, giving, and foriving. She's one of the reasons I think I am where I am today. LOVE YOU, SILLY GIRL! :)

Waffles-It's 8:30. Time for breakfast! But see, I'm in a pickle. I have my favorite waffles in the freezer, but off-brand syrup. I'm picky-so I only eat Mrs. Butterworth's Extra Butter Syrup. (I know, it's terrible for you, but it's my secret vice.) I think I'll give the cheap stuff a try. If all else fails, I still have peanutbutter crackers...

Messy Apt.-My apartment is ridiculous. Clothes and boxes everywhere. I'm sure that I'm subconciously afraid to make this place home again. Every time I hang something or move furniture, all I can think is 'oh...can i get this out fast if another storm comes?' I know we're still (ideally) months away from hurricane season, but the thought still crosses my mind. Especially when we put my $300 Ikea entertainment center together. It's huge and it took us 3 hours to complete! Then again, when James' dad dropped the box and chipped one of the shelves, I lost 4% of my love for it. But whatever. Things are things. So today I guess I'll clean...but then go find some way to reward myself. I'll REALLY deserve it this time!

Blockbuster-I seriously wonder how this place even exists! Sure, the 3/$20 and $4/20 deals are great, but not when there's nothing good. Why pay $4.99 or whatever it is now to rent a movie you'll watch once when you can go to Redbox and get the same movie for $1 a night? And with Redbox, you can return them to any location! (Idk about B.B.) And the service...terrible. And the location by the mall smells like mold. We scored Medea Goes To Jail ($7.99-haven't seen it before-hope it's good!), From Justin To Kelly ($1.99-yes, the american idol kids-my guilty pleasure) and The Beverly Hillbillies ($1.99-seen it a million times-loved it as a kid). This was so we would spend a 2 year old gift card. It was either that or buy snacks, which would amount to maybe 2 candy bars. That said, GO TO REDBOX!

CRABS-I like weird things, as everyone knows. I've been wanting a 'critter' lately. Maybe a bird, hamster-something funny looking for sure. Well, after going to the Circuit City store closing sale (over-rated!), I insisted on going to Earthbound-the crazy african-esque store that smells funny. The store itself actually freaks me out. It's like the one on The Hot Chick. So I picked up 2 hermit crabs-one in a black shell with colorful flowers, and the other in a giraffe shell. Shaba is HILARIOUS with them! They're named Romy and Michele, respectively. I'll have to post a video of all the kids together! HAA!

Have a greaaaaaaaat weekend b/c I'm sure I won't! :(


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